TXP Live: Nicolò Di Lella Ep#12

Episode Overview

Series: The Inner Way

Classification: CEX-IV

Subject: Nicolò Di Lella (Italy)

Interview by: The X-Plan Group (Italy)

Episode: #12 - Here and Now (Part 1 and 2)

In This Episode: Everyone can communicate with other sentient beings, provided that the frequency at which we vibrate is high enough to allow the contact. The first essential step to achieve this is to be aware that, whereas the mind is a mechanical organ, the heard is the true keeper of the soul's consciousness, and the first motor which makes the communication on multiple planes possible. This can be a way to reach out to more advanced civilizations that have embraced the real meaning of Loving and Giving.

Release Date: 11/20/2020

Duration: 26:44 and 01:10:30

Streaming Platform: You Tube Channel

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