Antarctica. The Mystery of the Terra Australis
An exclusive Interview With Rafael Videla Eissmann
Diego Antolini
05/03/2020 13:58:59
Videla Eissmann
is a Chilean historian. Member of the Privatinstitut
für Welteislehre
(“Private Insitute for the Glacial Cosmogony”); of Русским
(“Russian Society for the Study of Atlantis”) and of Akakor
Geographical Exploring.
What is the key concept behind your belief in the Homo
first reference was the extraordinary work of Professor Roberto
Rengifo who in 1921 published his essay Los
chiles (“The Chiles”)
where he
started the Antarctic
origin of civilization.
However, I must say that my research allowed me to understand that in
fact it was in 1919 when Rengifo originally announced that the
origin of mankind was in the Antarctic polar land.
should be added that Rengifo’s vision of the origin of man, his
migration from south to north in the Americas and the development of
civilization has resonances with the investigations of ethnologist
and explorer Francisco P. Moreno about the
origin of mankind in the primal American-Antarctic region. It
is the
Zoogenic Nucleus that
motivated French anthropologist Pierre Paul Broca to declare if
the “light on the origins” is not to be sought in the New World
instead of in the Old and
also anthropologist Paul Topinard to point out that
it is as if to wonder if the Neanderthal would not be accidental in
Europe in the Quaternary time and if his real homeland would not be
southern South America.
to Rengifo Antarctica was the
great center of white and fair skinned humankind.
while it
is a possibility that Professor Rengifo could have based part of his
idea on the Antarctic Origin of Mankind in the studies of Francisco
P. Moreno that was presented in the Argentine Scientific Society
–which had its counterpart in Santiago de Chile, the Société
Scientifique du Chili–
and in the works of authors such as John Dalton Hooker, Rengifo
however quotes only and significantly La
Araucana from the soldier
and chronicler Alonso de Ercilla and Zúñiga –its three parts were
published respectively in 1569, 1578 and 1589 in Madrid– who gives
account in the following verses of:
fertile province and designated,
the famous Antarctic
remote respected nations,
strong, principal and powerful.
and Zúñiga stipulate at least partially certain acquaintance of the
Antarctic continent. And this which may be considered inappropriate
in the orthodox historiographic conception, is simply not, as the
proof of the knowledge of the Antarctic polar land –of the
famous Antarctic region–
is found in the impossible
maps of Francesco Rosselli
(1508-1521), Piri Reis (1513), Lopo Homem (1519), Orontius Finaeus
(1531), Gerard de Jode (1593), Matthias Quad (1600) and Phillippe
Buache (1754) –among others–, maps that present a polar continent
although according to historical annals Antarctica was first spotted
in 1799 by
John Cook or
by Fabian Gottlieb von Bellingshausen and Mikhail Lazarev in 1820 or
a year later by John Davis.
“light on the origins” in southern South America! That is, in
The “land of white men”.
terra patrĭa
of the White Gods.
The Orontius Finaeus map of 1531 where Antarctica appears, that is,
the Terra
of the European cartographic tradition. Right:
The map
Typvs Orbis Terrarvm
of Abraham Ortelius appeared in 1570 where a large continental mass
appears in the South Pole.
Is there any connection between the theory of the Antarctic Origin of
Mankind and the fact that Antarctica is basically a military zone?
is possible but that is simply unknown. Antarctica is a vast
continent covered by an extensive ice sheet. What lies below it? How
long has it really been covered by ice? What is the origin of the
geography of Antarctica of the European accounts before 1492? Was
there any knowledge of it among the austral pre-Hispanic cultures?

of the German territory of Neu-Schwabenland in Antarctica, made by
the German Antarctic Expedition of 1938-39.
Many speak of the existence of alien bases under the Antarctica
permafrost. What is your opinion in this matter?
closest reference about this is the mythical tradition of the ancient
Selk’nam, an extinct tribe of Tierra del Fuego or Karuninka that
spoke of the arrival of the Hówen, an astral immortal race of gods
that created Earth, Nature,
animals and men. The representation of these Hówen depict
anthropomorphic figures with body paintings that evoke stars and
constellation and furthermore, most of these gods
have conic heads, a feature that is a common factor in the
representations of the ancient civilizing gods
throughout the globe –as in the Andean, Mesoamerican, Germanic,
Egyptian and Indian mythology to mention some–. This special
feature –the conic headdresses– covers a fact today well known:
The elongated skulls.
Below - The
representation of the gods in ancient cultures and civilizations has
a common factor: The conic headdress that covers the elongated
K’terrnen, the “Man-of-Light” of the esoteric tradition of Hain
of the Selk’nam of Tierra del Fuego, in the extreme south of Chile
(Photo by Martin Gusinde, 1923). b.
A Huasteca-Aztec representation of Quetzalcoatl as Lord of Venus,
wearing the Ocelocopilli
conic headdress related to Venus (Museo Nacional de Antropología of
Mexico City). c.
An effigy of Brahma from Tamil Nadu in southern India (British
Museum). d.
The god Aton in his temple of Karnak in Egypt (Egyptian Museum of
Cairo). e.
A sculptural representation of Wotan / Odin wearing a conical helmet
(Statens Historika Museum of Stockholm).