TXP Live: Nicolò Di Lella Ep#2

Earth And The Climate

On Tuesday, January 21, 2020 Nicolò Di Lella will be Live on The X-Plan Channel with Diego Antolini.
Nicolò, who has been in contact with members of the Confederation since his childhood, is a carrier of a message "From Space to Earth". Like many others, his mission is that to disseminate this message in any possible way, shape or form in order to help humanity to raise Consciousness and step to the next level of planetary evolution.

The X-Plan Group will host Nicolò Di Lella to talk about climate changes between the Global Warming "crisis" which is all over the media, and the Earth's "growth" as the natural process of a living entity, something that is hardly (if not at all) spoken of.
The event's information are available on the official The X-Plan Facebook Page

To watch Episode #1 between Nicolò Di Lella and Diego Antolini about Alien Language and Alien Spirituality click below:

The Live will be on TXP Official Facebook starting 2100hrs (Italy Time.)
It will be both in English and Italian language.

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