Roberto Rengifo and the Polar Antarctic Origin of Mankind
Rafael Videla Eissmann
10/12/2019 22:44:29
Secret of Aboriginal America
Roberto Rengifo advocated the Polar Antarctic Origin of Mankind. Such
an extraordinary conception was based on the archeological vestiges
studied by Rengifo in Chile as well as in the tracks of the rich
aboriginal symbolism and iconography.
studies developed in this regard by Rengifo correspond to El
Secreto de la América Aborigen(“The
Secret of Aboriginal America”). I. Noticias
y comentarios arqueológicos (“News
and Archaeological Comments”. 1919);II. Estractos
de Actas de la Sociedad Científica (“Extracts
of Proceedings of the Scientific Society”. 1920);III. Los
chiles (“The
Chiles”. 1920);IV. Extractos
de Actas de la Sociedad Científica (“Excerpts
from Proceedings of the Scientific Society”. 1921);Arte
gráfico y poético de los primitivos y los chiles(“Graphic
and Poetic Art of the Primitives and Chiles”. 1920) andEl
papel del territorio de Chile en la evolución de lahumanidad
Role of the Territory of Chile in the Evolution of Prehistoric
Humanity”. 1935) which mainly focus on the following fields: I. The
Polar Antarctic Origin of Mankind (of the “white and fair
humanity”). II. The development of civilization from south to north
in the Americas and from it to other latitudes of the globe. III. The
presence of the Anteos, a civilization race that bursts in from
America and arribes and populates Europe from the west.
despite of the use of evolutionary concepts in terms of the
transformism of the species, a fact that was framed in the Zeitgeist
“Spirit of the Age”, Rengifo breaks with the paradigm of the
genesis of mankind in Africa and the development of civilization: Its
origin is in the Antarctic continent and the stage of its development
is the Americas.
Origin of Humanity
the General Session of the Scientific Society held on December 29,
1919, Professor Rengifo referred that the
origin of humanity was in the Antarctic polar cap, and
that having partially dislocated and sunk this cap, the primitive
people arrived at the southern tip of Patagonia and Tierra del
is consequently, in the year of 1919 when initially arises this
notion about the Polar Antarctic Origin of Mankind.
foundation is then developed in Los
chiles (1921)
where Rengifo established the consequent
suggestion of the Antarctic origin of civilization2.
1935 Rengifo asserted that the Antarctic Archipelago was tens of
thousands of years ago was
the great
center of white and fair humanity3.
de las Sesiones. Sesión
General de 29 de Diciembre de 1919. Page XXXVII.
Rengifo, R. Los
Pages 31-32.
Rengifo, R. El
papel del territorio de Chile en la evolución de la humanidad
prehistórica. Page
Rengifo ascertained that the last important migration started from
TalTal on the north coast of Chile, 9000 years ago, were the Uros
that, being already all the other coasts and populated countries,
looking for an uninhabited one reached the bottom of the Persian Gulf
and where they founded the city of Uruk, bringing pottery and metals
there; city that was the germ of the Aryan or Indo-European
civilizations with which Proto-History begins, being all the above,
Pre-History and being History only the last 2500 years, since the
alphabetical writing was discovered4.
went further still. He determined that from the north of Chile the
Chilis extended to the east, to Chalingasta, and then to the north.
They reached Chiria in northern Peru. Then, in full culture and in
possession of metals, they
occupied all of Chile to the south, to Chiloé and to Magellan, and
turned around the Strait, spreading culture in the world, and
especially in the Baltic and the Mediterranean5.
is the Andean race of the Anteos or Antis, the primal dolichocephalic
race of America. The Urmensch.
The mythical men-gods.
anthropological and historical proposal developed by Rengifo is
backed by the presence of similar symbols, myths and traditions in
the Americas, Europe and Asia, reaching India, the culmination point
of the polar race’s expansion. Thus, in all these regions there are
the same solar and Venusian symbols, the same knowledge, customs and
similar types of megalithic constructions, such as menhirs and
dolmens, an irrefutable proof of the vast expansion of this group in
the time before history.
Light on the Origins
postulates are extraordinary: The germ of the Indo-German
civilizations is discovered in Southern America, the continent of the
the Viracochas! And it is precisely in Patagonia where ethnologist
and explorer Francisco P. Moreno discovered the dolichocephalic
skulls that motivated the eminent French anthropologists Pierre Paul
Broca to venture if the “light
on the origins”
will not be sought in the New
instead of in the Old,
or Paul Topinard, to express: It
is as if to wonder if the Neanderthal would not be accidental in
Europe, in Quaternary time, and if his real homeland would not be
southern South America6.
Rengifo’s vision of the origin of mankind, his migration from south
to north and the development of civilization is really the echo of
the ancient Mythos-
Legein of
the mythical men-gods and their migration on a planetary scale.
Rengifo, R. El
papel del territorio de Chile en la evolución de la humanidad
prehistórica. Page
De la Vega, D. Petroglifos
Bulletin de la
Société d’Anthropologie, 1880, p. 490. In:
Quijada, M. De
cráneos, debates y flujos de información. Los inicios de la
Antropología Física en la Argentina y LʼÉcole dʼAnthropologie de
Page 62.